Dark Matter develops bronchi, exits in order and to access a universal breathing mode. It is similar to a gestational configuration, which is the principle for determining organ maturity. It's in motion.
Gestation develops numerous bronchi in order to apply communication connections. Communication is essential to enable rapid movement of information from one point in the universe to another. Air provides access to the dimensional versions and internal communication of a programmed circuit, giving means and direction.
The stars are protective entrances and alternative universal side roads to versions of us. They are the lungs of the universe. A dimension of priceless nature compared to the density of the universe, as dense as that of dark matter. They preserve animosity and provide diversion of information, they guard memories. Stars, like lungs, function like airways and have the same visual appearance as the roots of a tree. Breathing determines how a universe functions - the universe gives time.
Just as a lung breathes, the earth breathes. It's in motion, it's a material that gives it air and gesture. This is where communication takes place, through this set of divergent pathways, like the vision of a bronchus. Through the various dimensions, we connect to air alveoli linked to the rest of the world, at the end of each of the branches of the bronchial tree that follow an airway.