All souls have their own history, recorded in eternal memory. There is a learning task for each memory, that of progress. A memory is held in an akashic, the fear in us. A cell's internal work to renew our program. Incorrectness is translated by the memory of a man. This refers to a soul, a fear, learning in the soul. Our progress is accompanied by a soul. It creates fire and expresses evolution.
The Akashic Memories trace the evolution of each consciousness since its creation. One of the pillars of humanity's evolution lies in deepening our understanding of the universal spirit. Originally, everything was nothing. Nothing was a whole, a whole to be transcribed into memory. The work is divided into several tasks. Akashic memory reminds us of our origin and identity. The progression of history is conditioned by our ability to evolve. Akashic memory has collected coded knowledge on a non-physical plane of existence.
Every Akashic memory is catalogued and stored in this "cosmic library". A memory is a living body; it holds souls. Every time it writes a story, we attract and integrate souls. Each indiscipline generates a distinct personality. The souls here are those who use behavior to block their advancement.
The akashic memory records all the thoughts, experiences and emotions of all life forms, whether plant, human or animal, on the whole earth.