The meaning of our existence

The spirit of life, which is both etheric and connected to the soul, forms the consciousness and the animal spirit, the essential force or life force. It is thanks to this essence of life that all vital functions are activated. The physical body is intrinsic to nature.

How can we reconnect with ourselves and discover who we are?

Who I am is not as important as it is given. I am the value of what I give. Right now, we're locked into a system that dictates our actions, our lifestyles and our destinations. Directed by our decisions, by the affection we're given and by the perception of beliefs. I was born a medium and had no idea of the name because I carried it inside me. I didn't realize that I needed human approval for a gift we all had within us.

The direction of genes is passed on to us by nature

For me, being a medium means being good at what we do: we connect with the best in ourselves to communicate the right information to others. Knowing how to hide our problems to serve a common cause: love within us. In order to preserve our well-being and enlighten an ever-changing world. To give the person doing the research back the power to regain control and observe the choices he or she wishes to make for his or her life. A medium is someone who transmits valuable principles. And works to open doors, not direction, because the heart knows the direction to suit our souls.

For me, being a medium means being good,
we correspond with the best in ourselves to communicate the right information to others. Knowing how to hide our problems to serve a common cause: love within us. To preserve our well-being and shed light on an ever-changing world. To give the person doing the research back the power to regain control and observe the choices he or she wishes to make for his or her life. A medium is someone who transmits valuable principles. And works to open doors, not direction, because the heart knows the direction to suit our souls.

The integrity of being us through healing, the healer heals souls

What is a soul?

The soul decomposes and recomposes a part of us that constitutes our totality. It guides our love and spreads respect for our being, and enables us to rediscover our true essence. It is an essential element. At certain times in our lives, we lose time. It evokes a time of presence that we are not. Every absence from us is a death within us. People hate being absent, and many live outside their bodies. When they are there, they face misfortunes and overcome fears. When they reappear, that's when the problem arises: when we no longer recognize who we are, that's when we lose a part of ourselves.

Getting back to the land means getting back to love

Everyone has to find a way back to earth. It's a reward when they're in fear. They no longer find what they are, they leave, they lose a part of themselves. The right to be in love gives them the right to be. To be is to evolve and learn. Their only way back is to learn. The survival of their presence depends heavily on a means. In the grace we carry within us, they become another, they reproduce a right to be. To become is important to become is to return. Here I'm talking about death. Death is important for the survival of the soul. We produce by growing. Growing up defines who we are. This is done through the language of the body for their extension into their souls. The soul is a perception of the shadow we carry. It is not negative, but bears the fruit of rebirth.

Everyone has to find a way back to earth. It's a reward when they're in fear. They no longer find what they are, they leave, they lose a part of themselves. The right to be in love gives them the right to be. To be is to evolve and learn. Their only way back is to learn.

The survival of their presence depends heavily on a means. In the grace we carry within us, they become another, they reproduce a right to be. To become is important to become is to return. Here I'm talking about death. Death is important for the survival of the soul. We produce by growing. Growing up defines who we are. This goes through the language of the body for their extension into their souls. The soul is a perception of the shadow we carry. It is not negative, but bears the fruit of rebirth.

Internal communication answers all our internal conversations

To rebuild, they need their souls. Their feelings are part of the conversation in their conversion. It's a feeling that has already appeared in their previous lives. They are genetics, and genetics produces a part of them in a different form. Genetics is not an eternal part. Each of them undoes another generation. In the soul, an interest is produced. The interest here is their survival.

The Soul

The spirit of life in us and creation

The soul is a part of us that constitutes the essence of ourselves. It composes and decomposes the presence of a we. It is sometimes hard to go forward and often downward when we distance ourselves from ourselves. Illness integrates itself into the weapon, the physical body, matter, flesh through the fear we feel of growing up. They hijack the laws of the universe in the long run, where they preserve a love of uncertainty within themselves and perpetuate towards their inner lights that they don't want to preserve and remain reasonable.

Everything that unites us - the Earth, the birds, the microcosm - is part of a macrocosm. Everything comes together to awaken them to the consciousness of a us. One consciousness is not there by chance, but to raise the common consciousness. For a particular reason, the progression within us, the inner light. It was through love that divine light, the "active agent", was responsible for creation. It illuminated the envelopment of an us in their soul. The world and the sun respectively have their graphic karmas. The formation of an nous and the formation of a whole. The sun is revealed to us by the Spirit, and the promised land is what we have within us. The heart is humanity's transmission of the love and warmth within us that makes our dreams come true. The Spirit crosses the earth through its rays, which have circulated in and around the earth, giving it life.

The soul is a part of us that constitutes the essence of ourselves. It composes and decomposes the presence of a we. It is sometimes hard to go forward and often downward when we distance ourselves from ourselves. Illness integrates itself into the weapon, the physical body, matter, flesh through the fear we feel of growing up. They hijack the laws of the universe in the long run, where they preserve a love of uncertainty within themselves and perpetuate towards their inner lights that they don't want to preserve and remain reasonable.

Everything that unites us - the Earth, the birds, the microcosm - is part of a macrocosm. Everything comes together to awaken them to the consciousness of a us. One consciousness is not there by chance, but to raise the common consciousness. For a particular reason, the progression within us, the inner light. It was through love that divine light, the "active agent", was responsible for creation. It illuminated the envelopment of an us in their soul.

The world and the sun each have their own graphic karmas. The formation of an us and the formation of a whole. The sun is revealed to us by the Spirit, and the promised land is what we have within us. The heart is humanity's transmission of the love and warmth within us that makes our dreams come true. The Spirit crosses the earth through its rays, which have circulated in and around the earth, giving it life.

The Elements

The element holds memories

The element is a body physically emerging from the soul. There is an endless bottom. We go into the void, we rediscover time, and speed means we have many images. Memory is what we include in quantum and historical life. The element retains memories. It's a material that begs to be disturbed.

Vital functions are partly influenced by external factors. The vital importance of the microcosm in a macrocosm. In the macrocosm, the human being possesses as many qualities as in his inner world.

Humans are the quintessence of the firmament and the elements:
sky, air, water, fire and earth. The elements make up who we are. Life binds us together. The design highlights this confrontation between external and internal influences. The force we feel during treatment is an element. It's the structure we integrate into the other to repair it under the conditions of a professional who heals the soul, uniquely formed by the universe. The solar body works to rebalance the corporate system so that we can work together.

The solar system is made up of celestial objects. The celestial composition is made up of all the fundamental principles. We are made up of a celestial entity. It's essential to understand that we must respect the will of celestial beings. This means that evolution takes place in a calm and loving way between us (*Trace).

Le Canal

Being a medium is a gift that comes from within

At the dawn of a day, we will see a time. A crossing requires light. Light is communicative. The persuasion of confinement withdraws the will to be. The world around us communicates, and the network is inaccessible to those who would pretend to be mediums.

The network of lymphatic vessels is an example of a network of blood vessels and internal communication that enables us to communicate with and repair the outside world.

It's essential to have a measurable channel to perceive soul messages in the flow of information. To transmit them in their entirety and render them respectively to people unknown to our souls, but known to the universe. The whole world is made up of corresponding parts and an organism analogous to the human being. For example, animals signal danger and trees exchange information. The soul is one channel in a universal network of multiple channels. This overview of the universe enables us to give correctly and respond favorably, respecting who we are. Light is a divinity, the soul.


Who is the creator of Bomann Healing?

She is a born soul healer. She has an irreproachable belief in herself. The universe is the source of her training in this field. It didn't happen by chance, but through the resolution of information about the data that makes up our universe and the world around us. His field of expertise is wide-ranging. His approach aims to bring together and take into consideration the whole of the individual to better heal him from within. Her consultations are carried out remotely, without borders or language barriers, for healing treatments and all types of care. (Currently, and often on the move)

How can I contact the firm?

Reservations can only be made via the website's secure online platform, and by making an appointment by WhatsApp phone if you can't find availability online.
Before you enter your bank details, be sure to check where the links come from.

How and when to pay for a consultation

Consultations must be paid for in advance, as soon as you receive the SMS inviting you to confirm your appointment. Payment is entirely secure via the website, using Paypal and Stripe for credit card payments. An e-mail confirming the transaction will be sent to you and displayed on the appointment calendar. You can pay as a guest without downloading the application. For those who have contacted us, simply follow the link mentioned in the SMS, which will redirect you to an official payment page. If you need to make sure that the appointment is confirmed, you can reach us by e-mail or message.

What is healing in the soul?

At certain times in our lives, we are absent from ourselves, which creates a variety of symptoms that can be known as different illnesses, which are the consequences of internal malaise. Add to DNA genetic factors, quantum factors (in memory), stress, anxiety, self-love, lost self-esteem... . It's the consequence of the causes of mind on matter (body). When the mind suffers, the body suffers.
A true Healer is able to bring you a breath of life and calm, so that you can regain control over your lives. It's possible to deal with trauma and live at peace with yourself.

What media do you need?

No support is needed to heal you. The same goes for the soul-reading part and mediumship (two things that are distinct from gifts). For healing, only a true healer can heal the soul of a living or departed being through the universe. Mediumship finds the pathways to restore the memory of a time when they were forgotten. Mediumship is an extension of healing.

For a more accurate assessment, it is possible to integrate the messages during the soul healing appointment.

I'd be grateful if you didn't send me any images, videos or information about yourself. The data from the universe will give me a precise idea of the work to be done on the person (all of you) who comes to consult me, whatever their current situation. Consultations are for you, not for anyone else. If you are making an appointment for someone else, please mention this when making your appointment.

How does a consultation with Bomann Healing work?

It's important to be calm inside during treatments, as this is a highly concentrated work for the practitioner, and time is of the essence - the Universe's time above all. Punctuality must be a priority. In their own time, it's time for them to become someone else.
Appointments are made remotely. The gifts, in this case, are innate and no support is required for the appointments.

Before the appointment, you must give your consent for the soul to enter you in order to heal your ailments. Whatever it may be. For children, it's important to keep them informed of the appointment and to measure their progress. Transformation is part of the process. You can't impose a difference on a child without them. Healing promotes relief and progress in the soul, for the living or the dead.

During healing treatments, you must remain CALM inside. You need to put aside your prejudices in order to evolve. It's essential to get organized beforehand and be ready for your appointment. As many people say, it's a big moment in their lives.

Is convalescence important?

After the treatments, many of them feel tired because they've been freed up. They have work to do, can take time out and assess the risks of progress. Following treatment, individuals feel better, lighter, more serene and have a much different vision of themselves than they did before their arrival. Healing is immediate, radical and non-abrasive. Their happiness leads them to fix their gaze on a perspective they never want to leave. They receive love and serenity, lightness and lasting calm for themselves. The treatment brings them inner peace.

A healer is very fast because the Universe grants blessings. Healing develops in them because it's fully integrated. The responsibility for developing your outward behavior lies with you. To grow into a better version of ourselves, we must have free will.

Group and family consultations?

Group work method. It can be family or different individuals living in the same sphere for the present. Intragenerational and transgenerational work. Family dynamics and conscious and unconscious patterns, often repetitive, can have an influence on your lives.

The following work will be linked to the gifts:

Preventing conflict, whether domestic or family-based

-Maintain natural balance and order in family and human relationships

-Enable each individual to take his or her rightful place and participate fully and responsibly, so as to feel free from misunderstandings.

-Acquire the ability to assess what you've kept as a burden of loyalty to a loved one that we're not responsible for resolving.

-Eliminate the problematic emotional and relational links in our family systems, present in our intrinsic nature and in their behaviours.

To live a healthy, happy and fulfilled life, it's important to break painful family patterns.

Can contact with the deceased help us?

To carry out this communication process, beings make a mediumship appointment. Mediumship is essentially work done for ourselves, when we're experiencing painful moments of separation, or saying goodbye in the case of certain deceased beings, who would leave after being able to consult a *channel of light. Only in certain cases does a deceased person need to express himself before leaving. Nonetheless, like human beings, they have to work on themselves during their lifetimes. In the afterlife, they have trials to return to.

Messages from souls who have lost their lives. And messages that can have an impact on a journey. It's not easy to transmit, because they can upset a path, but it's necessary. It's time to receive it in order to progress or to recover a part of your soul.

Deceased : It's essential to take time to reflect. The deceased need time. Remember that it's not you, but they, who are going through this time. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean their souls don't exist. You may feel them from time to time, or sense a presence from before life. Take a step back from the events that come your way.


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BREAK Corporation

Professionals or Groups of Individuals
Deep meditation: peaceful work session

This offer includes quiet time work within you to evolve the soul to stay still whatever the time of your journey. Groups may vary. I feel everyone's emotions from the inside. I need absolute calm. It's all about concentrating on yourself and keeping your inner calm.

Groups of 15 to 40 individuals

Duration : 1h30 | Price : 15€ / individual  

Family Rebalancing

Family Group or grouping of individuals in a common sphere

Balancing re-evaluation consultation, group work method. It can be family or different individuals living in the same sphere for the present. Intragenerational and transgenerational work. Family dynamics and conscious and unconscious patterns, often repetitive, can have an influence on your lives.

Group by 4 to 5 members

Duration : 1h30 | Price per person : 35€

Care & mediumship session

The mediumship session is designed to help you rediscover yourself and clarify your life path. You'll receive insightful and direct messages that will inform you of your current situation that's preventing you from feeling good about yourself.
Whether sentimental, professional or relational. This will enable you to review your priorities or confirm your choices.


Price & Duration : 30 min: €40 | 1 hour: €75

Care designed for children

Recognition of their own essence

In this mediumship service, they are concentrating on themselves to understand their inner evolutions, to understand who they are becoming in an ever-changing society. Mediumship is a remedy for peace: understanding who we are in the present moment as we shape your future. The work of mediumship remains the same as for an adult. The soul is not determined by age.

Duration : 1h
Price : 75€ Mediumship | 140€ Healing care

Healing Care

For radical inner peace

The gift of healing liberates the whole being. You are a set of elements: you are your history. And you have the right to change for your own well-being. I heal beings from within, whether your pain is past or present, so that you can regain power over your future. In the case of pathology, healing can still take place. The treatment helps to reduce their fears and destroy their pain. Your determination and will to flourish throughout your life are decisive factors. No matter how far you've come in life.

Duration : 40 min to 1 h | Price : 140€