The brain's neurons bear the marks of a previous journey. Although genetics play a part in this process, it is the physical entity that is the focus of this progression. With each new story, our path comes up against the vestiges of previous neuronal development, bearing witness to a reincarnated soul whose memory fades, but whose genetic trace remains.
If the soul possesses a retrograde memory, the activation threshold of a neuron registers, conversely, past traumas. So, to survive the challenges of the next journey, we need to evolve. The neuronal form is not simply an extension of ourselves, but rather a means of remembering who we are, similar to an internal hard drive that stores essential data about the world.
Each individual holds a memory, oscillating between empirical evolution and genuine transformation. A superior force, a god, transmits retrograde information to those who grow, reminding us of the humility necessary for learning. To learn is to offer a part of oneself, without giving in to the pride of a fixed and irreversible common sense.
Programming for others is intended to remind them that each person remains master of his or her own destiny. Those who fail to overcome trials develop a lack of understanding for others and remain frozen until the information is assimilated. Those who appear to be an opportunity to become a watered-down version of ourselves actually contain the worst aspects of our nature.
Thus, the confrontation between heart, soul and brain, in their reasoned interaction, appears as the reproduction of another. In the final analysis, we are all a reflection, a mirror, of humanity.